Division of Building Physics
The Division is responsible for a large number of courses in Bachelor's education. The Division mainly teaches in Building Technology and Practical Building Physics. In order for our students to have a stable theoretical foundation and the latest knowledge in the subject area, both Building Technology and Building Physics are included in our course activities.
- Within the Civil Engineering programme (Civilingenjör i väg- och vattenbyggnad), we conduct an annual course at Bachelor's level and four elective courses.
- Within the Surveying programme (Civilingenjör i lantmäteri), the Division is responsible for two courses, where one is mandatory and the other is elective.
- For the Fire Safety Engineering programme (Civilingenjör i brandteknik), the division provides a mandatory course in Building Technology during year 1.
- Within the Architecture programme (Arkitekturutbildningen), we carry out an annual mandatory course during year 2.
- At the Helsingborg campus, we are responsible for a total of three courses for those who follow the programme in Building Technology with Architecture (Högskoleingenjör i byggteknik med arkitektur), two of which are mandatory.
- The Division is also responsible for one course, and participates in other courses within the Master's programme in Energy-Efficient and Environmental Building Design, which is a two-year education with students coming from all over the world.
We are also involved in a number of other courses as lecturers both inside and outside LTH.
- Through the Division's continuous participation in The Moisture Research Centre's (FuktCentrum) operations, since its start in 2000, we also help training consultants and contractors in order to raise the general level of education and to reduce the proportion of moisture-related damages.
- For a number of years, and with funding from the EU, the Division has successfully initiated and started a number of Master’s programmes in countries such as Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Nepal, Bhutan, Russia, several Central Asian countries and at three universities in Mongolia. All programmes have themes related to Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Renewable Energy and/or Green Energy Technologies.
- We also offer degree projects in Building Physics for students who have followed our advanced courses. These are linked either to ongoing research or to companies in the industry. Own ideas for degree projects are also welcome.
The majority of our courses are carried out in close collaboration with the Division of Building Services.
Overview of all courses
An overview of the Division's first and second cycle courses - on Course website LTH
Master's programme in Energy-efficient and Environmental Building Design
- on Lund University's website