Power Bio - an Interreg project
To achieve the green transition, the role and function of biomass must be developed further than it is today. The Power Bio project will support the green transition through cross-border market innovation.
The Danish-Swedish Power Bio project will promote the green transition by increasing the security of supply, the amount of biogas, and the production of biochar and high-value products from grass, seaweed and straw. This will be achieved through improved collection methods and cross-border market innovation.
The actors behind Power Bio believe that all types of biomass should be seen as valuable raw materials and that we must learn to utilise them as well as possible with regard to both the environment and climate and in relation to the functioning of the energy system, where biogas is an asset to balance the system.
The battle for biomass will intensify in the future. Therefore, there is no room for biomass to rot on roadsides and beaches or to be landfilled or burned. Instead, the biomass will be used for both renewable energy production and for the production of high-value products. The overall objective of Power Bio is to increase the availability of biomass for green energy production and high-value products, through the efficient use of unused residual biomass and straw.
- Gate21 (Lead partner)
- Lund University
- Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
- Roskilde University (RUC)
- Danish Technological Institute (TI)
- Sustainable Business Hub
- Nordvästra Skånes Renhållnings AB
- Solserv
- Ringsted Biogas
- Søuld
- Coastgrass
- Business Lolland-Falster
- I/S Strandparken
- Kommunernes Internationale Miljøorganisation (KIMO)
- Swedish municipalities: Lund, Malmö, Tomelilla
- Danish municipalities: Lejre, Odshered, Greve, Køge, Rudersdal, Hørsholm, Vallensbæk
Paulien Strandberg
paulien [dot] strandberg [at] byggtek [dot] lth [dot] se (paulien[dot]strandberg[at]byggtek[dot]lth[dot]se)